Lower Back Pain Treatment

The most common form of lower back pain is non-specific which affects nearly 60-80% of people throughout their lifetime. Most of the time Lower back pain can be treated conservatively with an individualised progressive strengthening and stretching program.

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Chronic Lower Back Pain

It’s defined as lower back pain which is attributable to a recognisable or known specific pathology (e.g. “slipped”/herniated/ bulging vertebral disc, spinal fracture, inflammatory disorder, structural deformity). Chronic lower back pain affects almost 23% of the population, with 11-12% of the population being disabled from this.

Exercise prescription through an AEP can help Non-specific and Chronic Lower Back pain through:

  • A graded exercise program that addresses any lumbar instability or muscle deficits.

  • A structured stretching/mobility program to supplement a progressive resistance program.

  • Education on self-managing strategies to assist/prevent current and future flare ups in pain and symptoms.